FERC and RUS Accounting for Electric Construction
GASB 89 and AFUDC - Help or Hurt Electric Ratemaking?
GASB 89 requires municipal electric utilities to expense construction period interest. This does a dis-service to current electric ratepayers but there is an exception that gives a more reasonable outcome. We'll discuss the options.
What is CIAC Accounting? What are Contributions in Aid of Construction?
CIAC accounting is accounting for amounts paid by developers, customers, and governments for reimbursement of electric assets that a utility or co-op is constructing to serve them. CIAC accounting is straightforward for electric co-ops and private sector utilities, but complicated for GASB-following municipal utilities. We discuss the methods and some alternatives.
Electric Impairment Accounting Using ASC 360 and GASB 42
As the power supply base of the electric industry moves to more renewables, you might find some of your traditional supply assets are not economical. These uneconomical assets might be impaired for accounting purposes. How do you determine the amount of an impairment, and more importantly, determine how to recover an impairment loss in electric rates? We show you how.