General Accounting
GASB 103 brings enhancements to the reporting model for utilities and general governments
GASB Statement No. 103, titled "Financial Reporting Model Improvements," aims to enhance the clarity, consistency, and usefulness of financial reports for state and local governments. This statement introduces key changes that adds more details to financial statements that provides more information for the financial statement reader.
Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Power and Utilities Accounting and Ratemaking
Embracing AI will make it possible to maximize efficiencies in the accounting and finance departments, open up team members for other tasks, and provide the tools for deeper analysis of customer use of electricity. The depth of AI data analysis will provide additional tools to directly design rates that can modify customer behavior in their electricity use and with choices on how they use electricity.
This article provides a very high-level view of areas used in the accounting and rates functions of power and utilities organizations. The list will undoubtedly grow.
GASB 96 and Cloud Computing - It’s Implementation Time!
The implementation period for GASB 96 Subscription Based Technology Arrangements is here; how exciting! Well, if you do accounting for a living, you know that there’s a certain satisfaction in implementing new standards and changing the face of your financial statements, especially when it is a benefit to your organization.
What is the benefit of using GASB 96 to account for your move to cloud-based software systems? This article walks you through the implementation of GASB 96.