General Accounting

Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Power and Utilities Accounting and Ratemaking

Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Power and Utilities Accounting and Ratemaking

Embracing AI will make it possible to maximize efficiencies in the accounting and finance departments, open up team members for other tasks, and provide the tools for deeper analysis of customer use of electricity. The depth of AI data analysis will provide additional tools to directly design rates that can modify customer behavior in their electricity use and with choices on how they use electricity.

This article provides a very high-level view of areas used in the accounting and rates functions of power and utilities organizations. The list will undoubtedly grow.

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Harmony in Allocating Inter-Departmental Power and Utilities Costs with the Three-Point Formula

Harmony in Allocating Inter-Departmental Power and Utilities Costs with the Three-Point Formula

Here is the Three-point formula! This article will discuss how using a cost allocation method based strictly on math, and metrics can smooth budget discussions and bring equitable allocations to your business units (doesn't sound exciting, but you'll be glad you read on). Here is the Three-point formula!

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