Using an independent expert to support rate and accounting positions

There are times you will need an independent analysis and voice for electric rate or other approvals before your Board or other regulatory bodies. Here are examples of how we assisted clients with expert witness testimony to support rate and accounting issues.

  • Joint owners of a power plant disputed the allocation of administrative and general expenses by the power plant operator in an arbitration matter

  • Wholesale power customers questioned the impact impairment accounting for retired units had on their rates and required testimony before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

  • A utility sought recovery of the construction costs of an abandoned power plant project in its ratebase and required testimony before a state utility commission

  • A cooperative defended its cooperative industry method of developing revenue requirements before FERC

  • An insurance company required insights and testimony into cost recovery for utility pole accidents in a lawsuit

  • We testified for a utility defending its method for recording power plant decommissioning costs before FERC

Why use an expert witness?

Could these clients have handled these issues adequately without outside help? For the most part, yes. But, an expert witness can provide that added support to your rate filing, litigation, or arbitration. Their background and other client experience give an outside, independent view of industry best practices, plus an unbiased presentation of the supporting facts and standards for your accounting, rates, and other positions.

About Russ Hissom - Article Author

Russ Hissom, CPA is a principal of Utility Accounting & Rates Specialists a firm that provides power utilities rate, expert witness, and consulting services, and online/on-demand courses on accounting, rates, FERC/RUS construction accounting, financial analysis, and business process improvement services. Russ was a partner in a national accounting and consulting firm for 20 years. He works with electric investor-owned and public power utilities, electric cooperatives, broadband providers, and gas, water, and wastewater utilities. His goal is to share industry best practices to help your business perform effectively and efficiently and meet the challenges of the changing power and utilities industry.  

Find out more about Utility Accounting & Rates Specialists here, or you can reach Russ at

The material in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal or accounting advice provided by Utility Accounting & Rates Specialists. You should seek formal advice on this topic from your accounting or legal advisor.

Russ Hissom

My goal is to provide utilities with common-sense accounting and finance solutions and knowledge to help them successfully implement their strategy! 


Electric Utility Implements the FERC Uniform System of Accounts